Gypsy is a 4 month old female Chug. She is in the middle of getting all her puppy shots. She is a cute little girl. She gets along with everyone. She comes with a spay voucher. She would love to be your valentine.
Raven is a 4 month old female Chug. She is working on getting all her puppy shots. She comes with a spay voucher. She is learning how to use a doggie door. She gets along with everyone. She would love to be your sweetheart.
Kurt is a 4 month old male Chug. He is working on receiving all his puppy shots. He comes with a neuter voucher. He is adorable. He uses a doggie door. He would love to be your handsome good boy.
Apollo is a 7 month old male American pitt. He is neutered and up to date on his shots. He is a very sweet puppy. He gets along with cats, kids and small dogs. He is potty trained. He wants to play and fall in love with you.
Winter is a 9 week old female Pug puppy. She is up to date on her shots. She comes with a spay voucher. She is a soft little bundle of joy. She is waiting for you to take her home and love her.
Rocco is a 1 year old male Pug. He is up to date on his shots. He is neutered. He is very handsome. He is a gentle boy. Very calm and cool. He is looking for his favorite person.
Sadie is a 1 year old female Pug and Chihuahua mix. She is spayed and up to date on her shots. She is pee pee pad trained. If your a man looking for a loving, affectionate, and loyal fur baby. This is your girl. she like women, kids, and animals also.
Maple is a 6 year old female Pug. She is spayed and up to date on her shots. She loves being pet. She is a sweet girl looking for love. She has so much love to give.
Sammie is a 3 year old male Pug. He is up to date on his shots. He is neutered. He is happy guy. He enjoys life. He is looking for someone with the same attitude.
Dude is a 6 year old male Pug. He is neutered and up to date on his shots. He is pee pee pad trained. He gets along with everyone. He is looking for a nice warm home for Christmas.